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Land Development Codes
Our team has completed 61 Land Development Code projects, including traditional and form-based.

Land Development Code Update - Palm Bay, FL
After successfully adopting the Comprehensive Plan update, Inspire carried forward the Vision by updating the Land Development Code. The Code update includes reorganization of the chapters, updating statute references, incorporating policies from the Plan update, and ensuring that the Vision is implemented in the Code.
Completion Date: 2023
Completion Date: 2023

Land Development Code Assessment - Pensacola, FL
Inspire performed a thorough assessment of the adopted Land Development Code (LDC) and recommended amendments for the potential rewrite of the code. Tasks included developing a matrix to list the proposed changes, preparing a new outline to reorganize the code, holding work sessions with staff and stakeholders to go through potential recommended changes, and developing an approach for the future update of the LDC.
Completion Date: 2024
Completion Date: 2024

Land Development Code Update - Sumter County, FL
Inspire updated the County’s Land Development Code to achieve consistency with the comprehensive plan, reorganize chapters and sections, update references to state statutes and other external documents, and ensure that the county’s vision was implemented in the Code.
Completion Date: 2024
Completion Date: 2024

Land Development Code Update - Manatee County, FL
Provided a comprehensive update of the County’s Land Development Code through a three-phase process. The first phase consisted of reorganizing the code to ensure ease of use, eliminating repetitive language, eliminating internal inconsistencies, and incorporating regulations related to practices that have been in place but never codified. The second phase included an assessment of the major commercial corridors within the urban core area and developing code amendments to improve opportunities for quality development and allow the County to realize its vision of a revitalized urban area. The third phase included amendments to allow clustering and mixed-use developments by right, to encourage affordable housing, to clarify the role and purpose of the various coastal planning areas, and to improve the development review process. This project received the 2017 Outstanding Long-Range Study/Plan Award from the Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA).
Completion Date: 2016
Award Winner: 2017 Outstanding Long Range Study/Plan from Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA)
Completion Date: 2016
Award Winner: 2017 Outstanding Long Range Study/Plan from Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA)

Land Development Code Update & Form-Based Code - Kissimmee, FL
Completed a comprehensive update of the City’s Land Development Code, which incorporated form-based code regulations for the downtown area and Vine Street corridor. Other areas of the City retained the traditional code structure and benefited from improved organization, streamlined regulations, and fewer special zoning and overlay districts. The form-based code and other LDC revisions established a framework for the City to facilitate infill and redevelopment, implemented past studies and plans for the downtown and surrounding areas, enabled better and safer development patterns (thereby improving the quality of the built environment), and gave citizens, developers, builders, and property owners predictable standards.
Completion Date: 2019
Completion Date: 2019

Land Development Code Update & Form-Based Code - Gainesville, FL
Completed a comprehensive update to the City’s Land Development Code (LDC) to incorporate form-based code principles for the downtown and surrounding area and to improve code organization, streamline regulations, and reduce the number of special zoning and overlay districts. The form-based code was completed with strict adherence to the community vision which centered on the Comprehensive Plan Update, community-driven priorities, and existing neighborhood characteristics. The form-based code and LDC revisions established a framework for the City to enable better development patterns, improve the quality of the built environment, foster pedestrian-friendly development and redevelopment, and gave citizens, developers, builders, and property owners predictable standards by which to design and build.
Completion Date: 2013
Completion Date: 2013
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