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Downtown Master Planning
Our policy planners and designers produce implementation-focused plans. Bold ideas and innovative designs are advanced through thorough vetting and strategic phasing.

Town Center Master Plan - Weddington, NC
Weddington has experienced significant growth over the last 30 years. Once a rural area, today it is a suburban community of nearly 14,000 residents located just outside the 485 Beltway. Despite this growth, the Town still lacks a town center that provides residents with a common sense of place. A central civic gathering space is fundamental to long-term community prosperity. Therefore, the Town solicited town center master plan.
Completion Date: 2024
Completion Date: 2024

Downtown Master Plan - Green Cove Springs, FL
Developed a downtown master plan to leverage the rich character of this historic waterfront city as part of a strategic approach for revitalization. Tasks included a retail market analysis, parking study and integrated transportation and urban design analyses. The final plan is a highly visual document that includes a new brand/logo for the downtown as well as extensive 3D visualization of mixed-use redevelopment and new streetscapes. The plan was implementation focused, including strategic prioritization and phasing complemented by realistic cost estimates.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022

Downtown Master Plan - Fort Pierce, FL
Developed a Strategic Master Plan to promote high-quality redevelopment that is in line with the City’s history, character, and high quality of life. The project included an interactive project website to garner public input and provide updates. The design and revitalization strategy were advanced through an immersive four-day workshop that included public open houses, presentations, and targeted stakeholder engagement. The Plan is focused on implementation and seeks to leverage an abundance of City-owned waterfront property, to promote a vibrant and walkable mixed-use district. The conversion of a city-owned parking lot into a signature public space serves as the centerpiece of the plan.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022

City Center Master Plan - Pinellas Park, FL
Developed a master plan for a new City Center in Pinellas Park, implementing a primary objective of the City’s 2018 Community Redevelopment Plan. The project commenced with an interactive project website to garner public input and support as well as provide project updates. Design efforts were advanced through a week-long charrette that public workshops, presentations, and targeted stakeholder engagement. Deliverables included a Final Plan with extensive 3D graphics and a fly-through video.. The plan was developed with a focus on implementation and includes strategic prioritization and phasing and infrastructure cost estimates. The conversion of Davis (baseball) Field to Davis Commons, a much larger and more accessible public green, served as the centerpiece of the plan.
Completion Date: 2021
Completion Date: 2021
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