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Comprehensive Plans
We have completed 63 Comprehensive Planning projects.

Comprehensive Plan - Trinity, NC
The City of Trinity is experiencing unprecedented growth. In order to properly plan for the influx of new residents, as well as understand future infrastructure needs, the City contracted with Inspire to update its Comprehensive Plan. It was a community driven project, led by a steering committee of residents. Inspire facilitated public engagement activities such as a two-day open house with the public, steering committee meetings, and a website dedicated to the update of the Comprehensive Plan.
Completion Date: 2023
Completion Date: 2023

Comprehensive Plan - Blount County, TN
With the Smoky Mountains National Park as a dramatic backdrop, Blount County offers both natural beauty and economic opportunity. This balance of work and play has long provided a high quality of life for residents. As the County seeks to plan for its future, its top priority was maintaining this important balance. The County decided to update its Comprehensive Plan because of its significant growth and changing conditions. The County's goal for the project was to have a resident driven process to outline the public's vision. The Comprehensive Plan included attention to school capacity and availability, but the main focus was outreach and public engagement.
Completion Date: 2024
Completion Date: 2024

Comprehensive Plan - Effingham County, GA
Inspire is currently working on an update to Effingham County’s Comprehensive Plan and an overhaul of its land development regulations. These updates are focused on streaming requirements, while conducting substantial public engagement efforts, including facilitating stakeholder meetings with County Administration, city of key County departments, landowners, developers, realtors, design and construction professionals, neighborhood groups, business owners, and others.
Completion Date: Ongoing
Completion Date: Ongoing

Comprehensive Plan - Flagler County, FL
From 2020-2023, Flagler County was the fourth-fastest growing county in Florida. In 2023, Inspire commenced an update to the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The primary objectives of this update are to maintain consistency with recent changes to Florida Statutes, to implement a shared community vision derived from in-person and online input opportunities, and to address the issues and opportunities identified during the extensive Data & Analysis process. The results of these efforts will be an updated Plan which sets the stage for future growth within Flagler County through the 2050 planning horizon.
Completion Date: Ongoing
Completion Date: Ongoing

Comprehensive Plan - St. Johns County, FL
From 2020-2023, St. John's County was the second-fastest growing county in Florida. In 2023, Inspire commenced a community-driven update to the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Inspire facilitated an extensive public engagement process, inclusive of a project website featuring a survey and community forum, six public workshops, and two open house events. The insights and vision provided by the community, coupled with an extensive analysis of existing conditions within the community, serve as the basis for this update to the 2050 Comprehensive Plan’s Goals, Objectives, and Policies.
Completion Date: Ongoing
Completion Date: Ongoing

Comprehensive Plan - Pasco County, FL
After completing a year-long intensive visioning process that included a robust community engagement plan with a project website, eight public workshops, multiple topic focused group meetings, interview sessions, mobile workshops at pop-up events, online survey, department coordination, presentations to community organizations/groups/universities, and commissioner engagement, Inspire began Year 4 of the Comprehensive Plan update process. Year 4 of the Pasco 2050 project consists of crafting a new plan for the County. This year focuses on preparing all new data and analysis, preparing a user-friendly framework of the plan consistent with the vision, updating the goals, objectives, and policies, and continuing to engage with the County departments, advisory boards, and the Long Range Planning team. This phase of the project is anticipated to be completed by September 2024.
Completion Date: Ongoing
Completion Date: Ongoing

Comprehensive Plan - Kenly, NC
The Town of Kenly is in a prime location for growth and development. However, it had not seen the levels of growth that other communities throughout the region have faced. The Town determined that it was best to update ordinances and the land use plan prior to any influx of development. The Town hired Inspire to facilitate public engagement, overhaul the Unified Development Ordinance, and modernize the land use plan.
Completion Date: 2024
Completion Date: 2024

Comprehensive Plan Update - Palm Bay, FL
Completed a 12-month community visioning effort, as a precursor to the Comprehensive Plan update, for this fast-growing City of more than 125,000 residents. Public engagement efforts included an interactive website, stakeholder interviews, focus groups, and public workshops. The final vision plan included existing conditions, recommendations, and a vision statement. Final deliverables also included a summary brochure that documented the vision with clear language and compelling visuals. This successful visioning effort provided residents with the first cohesive community vision in Palm Bay’s 63-year history.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022

Comprehensive Plan Update - Sumter County, FL
Completed a Comprehensive Plan update for one of the fastest-growing counties in Florida. Over the past 20 years, Sumter has nearly tripled its population due to the expansion of The Villages. This effort was completed in two phases. Phase 1 included preparing data and analysis, facilitating live/simulcasted in Zoom public workshops, and coordinating with local agencies. Phase 2 provided plan map revisions and updating the goals, objectives, and policies. This effort also included outreach and Plan updates for Coleman, Center Hill and Webster, three small municipalities within the County.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022

Comprehensive Plan Update - Lake Wales, FL
Completed the update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the State of Florida’s evaluation and appraisal review process. Community engagement plans were guided by a steering committee made up of local business leaders, social activists, developers, and architects. These efforts included an interactive website, stakeholder interviews, and public workshops. The planning process included an overhaul of the data and analysis, which was also reformatted for clarity and to incorporate infographics and other visual aids.
Completion Date: 2021
Completion Date: 2021

Comprehensive Plan Update - Wildwood, FL
Updated the City's Comprehensive Plan to address changes in local conditions since the last update and to establish a new vision for future growth. The City has experienced tremendous growth as a result of the expansion of The Villages, which projects the addition of 60,000 dwelling units in Wildwood in the next 30 years. Community engagement efforts included an interactive project website, stakeholder interviews, and community workshops. This effort also included customized population and housing projections, as the projections developed by the State were substantially lower than expected.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022

Comprehensive Plan Update - Green Cove Springs, FL
Updated the Future Land Use and Transportation Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan to address recent changes in local conditions. The project focused on the following key topics: the construction of the First Coast Expressway and an interchange just South of the City limits, substantial recent and upcoming annexations, efforts to revitalize the downtown, future actions to protect the City's historic sites, urban form along major transportation corridors, complete streets, and instruction of mobility strategies.
Completion Date: 2022
Completion Date: 2022
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